Live Streaming for Yoga Studios

A dynamic, flow-based yoga where variance and creativity are the norm. Each class differs from the last to help you find your edge. In this class, we evoke the energy of Shiva embodied as Lord of the Dance. This is the full expression of vinyasa as moving meditation. When linking breath with movement, the practice becomes dance like — an interplay of motion and Strength, flexibility, balance and cardio come into harmony. Awaken your consciousness, let go of ego, strengthen your body, and find the self. 


After connecting yourself with those you're sharing yoga with, we lift and open the Creative Consciousness. Learn how to walk in the fullness of your body, feel your connection with your dance partner and Saviour. Feel complete, free and loved uncovering or unfolding your Chariot of Light self. This is the dance of Shiva, the Lord of Dance. You may have forgotten your dance, but the Lord of the Dance starts with your thought. Inhale and exhale, inhale or exhale, inhale or exhale. Expanding or contracting is your dance. You have the opportunity to awaken your dance, your expression.


Learning how to breathe is the foundation for the dance. Breathing is connected to flowing movements, flowing movements have the energy of celebration dancing vibrant in their veins. Energy flows when the breath falls into place. To breathe is to dance. Spirit is the energy of place and movement. And flowing breath anchors the union of creative flow to manifest universal dance, sun and moon, putting the balance to the magnetic energy of creation. You will know your dance as you flow with the flow, as you breathe. As you fall into the dance, you unfold, and healing grace resides to restore your balance.


Check in with the dance. It will shift, shift right into healing grace like a ball of light locating the sun in the sky. You know you are in the right place when you feel the temperature of the room rise, the energies of music move, the air crisp, and the color of the room become a bit more vibrant. Inhale and exhale, inhale or exhale, inhale or exhale. The flow of energy is the dance of life and living.


Don't be your breath or your dance or your music or your movement. Be who you are. While you unravel the mystery, the movements on your body open and release. Breathe or dance or breathe. Have the presence that rises from the energy of mystery unfold itself in the stillness. Allow the dance of the breath and the music to regenerate your energy and body. Don't give what's holding you back. Don't ignore the wisdom within the energy of the dance, and trust that it will come through, comeoseveryoneis that you too grow, open, and embrace have the courage to open up and release.


We are all teachers, so prepare yourself.


All yoga and dance is meant to bring you rhythm, movement, balance and connection. Intention is possible once you finally allow yourself in the audience and the space in the family. Courage is the connection between the non mirrored nature of the human and the mirrored nature of the human. Music and movement creates space for balance, energy and ease. Inhale and exhale, inhale or exhale, inhale or exhale. Put everything you have into your yoga as you flow by the energy of the energy of your breath. As you progress to the fabric of the dance, the fabric of your yoga mat, the balance of your body, the feeling of your strength and resolve, open and relax. Allow space to accommodate the movement of the dance and the flow. Open the heart. As you breathe, rest inevitably will come. It is the woman in my yoga class, a strong, wry woman with an openness of spirit that I have a relationship with that fits the image she presents. She is fearless, trusting and vulnerable with a lightness of purpose. Her movement in yoga reflects a woman unbounded when she faces the world beyond ego.


The flow of yoga, the movements, the breath, the movement is you joyously communing with life. The mat is the stage, class is the flow and dance is the union of class and flow. Willingness to open has informed the flow. So I gave myself a chance to catch the light here, so as to follow theCall. It was about willingness, surrender and an openness to find your own position in the show.


Namaste and a long life of yoga and dance.

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